Mingarry Beer Club

Unsolicited beer reviews since first British lockdown

NEW! We now host regular beer-tasting sessions in Groningen, Netherlands. Please see the respective section on this web site for details and contact Hanna on Instagram (@sakhno_crew) to get in.

Our mission

We promote the rich craft beer culture to wider masses worldwide


Explore our database of 54 beers across 18 beer styles from 15 countries — we rate each on multiple parameters. We drink for the sake of scince!

Learn more about the (craft) beer culture in our blog series

Diversify your politics talks in the pub with a simple game that we have developed -- no cards needed, only fellow humans

Let's connect

Scroll down to learn more about the projectm the founders and how to connect with us. Let's meet in person and create a community!


Who the hell are you guys? 

We are an amateur project about craft beer culture. Our aim is to promote the rich (craft) beer culture among wider masses globally.

At the moment, it is just me, Hanna, and a group of my friends who are as enthusiastic about beer as I am. 

Yeah, I saw your mission. Again, what's your contribution?

The value of this beer venture is in the cool authentic story of how it all started. We are just a few humans who like to have a  good beer or two. 

We buy beers in the supermarket and rate them according to the metrics that we have designed. On this website, you can find the database with all the beers that we have tried for the sake of science. 

To learn more about different beer styles and trends, check our blog

Ah, we have also developed a simple beer rating game that you can play with your friends!

How many beers have you rated?

There are 54 supermarket beers in our database across 18 beer styles from 15 countries.

How are your scores better than those on Untappd? 

They’re not. They’re just different. They're our -- biased, subjective -- scores. In fact, there’s almost no correlation between our scores and those on Untappd (25%, of course Hanna calculated that).

The value of our wee venture is in the story behind its creation. It is our lockdown 2020 legacy!

What does Mingarry stand for

Mingarry Street is a street in Glasgow, UK, where Hanna and her flatmates lived during the first British lockdown in 2020.  Hence, the club name. 

All beer tasting sessions took place in that lovely two-bedroom. Actually, no, there was one session on the top of a mountain in the Scottish Highlands!

What’s your business? Are you trying to sell me something? 

No business here, at least yet. We created this project for fun. It also has a strong educational component -- check the blog to learn more about the beer culture.  

If there's no business, why do you need a website?

We all have different hobbies, and Hanna's hobby is to generate data from her daily life and turn them into fun (and visually appealing) things. And to make people around fall in love with beer.

This project is also a huge legacy of Hanna's life in Scotland. Especially during the first lockdown in 2020.

Because drinking good beer is great. And doing cool things and sharing them with other people feel good. Cheers, everyone <3


That's me drinking an IPA brewed by Copper Head, a micro-brewery based in Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine

Hi there, I am Hanna, the driving force behind the MBC project

We all have different hobbies, and my hobbies revolve around generating data from daily life and deriving and sharing insights from them in a fun way. I also love to connect people and with people. Cheers to that?

I have been a beer enthusiast since... I would say since forever, and it would be accurate, but I think it would be fair to say that my conscious journey into the beer world began in 2017 — during my student exchange in the Netherlands. 

I am from Ukraine originally, and I have lived in different places across Europe over the past eight years. Exploring beers. And studying. And working. 

This project was born out of fun and boredom during the first lockdown in the UK in 2020 — back then, I lived in a flatshare located in Mingarry Street, Glasgow, UK. 

In daily life, I am an economist. Even more, I am doing a PhD in Economics in the Netherlands. Yes, I know, I picked the best country to do (beer) research! 

I am not alone in this, though!

Hey, I am Victoria, the data visualization enthusiast behind the project and a beer enthusiast.

Being fond of using data for decision making, I ended up working as a data analyst. That is how Hanna and I met - we worked together for the most impactful Ukrainian think tank. Our friendship started from being part of economic policymaking and continued (I would say - levelled up) to spreading beer tasting ideas and practices.

I am always up for cool activities and side projects, especially when it comes to beer!. So I gladly accepted Hanna's offer to build the dashboard based on the Mingarry Beer Club data. 

My dream (or now it is even more like a plan) is to start brewing beer myself. Hopefully, someday you will enjoy it in your favourite pub!

That's Victoria chilling out in the sun (and for some reason not drinking beer!) in Barcelona, Spain

Let's connect

Questions? Ideas? Suggestions?